Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Of Mice and Men Essay

Of Mice and Men Essay

In the novella, Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck is about George Milton and Lennie Small. These two men are migrant workers struggling to survive in the agricultural valleys of California during the Great Depression. George and Lennie hope to achieve their dream of being land owners of a ranch filled with livestock. To achieve their dream goal, they need to start off small and work their way up. So then they work at a farm where many problems are to be dealt with because of Lennie lacking control. The central conflict of Of Mice and Men by: John Steinbeck is character vs. self. That’s because Lennie lacks control over himself which then causes the problems at the ranch. He not only causes problems for himself but also for George. The bad thing is that George has to solve Lennie’s problems one way or another.
A big mistake that Lennie makes was feeling Curly’s wife’s hair. For some reason, Lennie found a pleasure in touching her hair. This was going well, but then Lennie got too excited and from there, everything went down hill. This Quote here shows how Lennie lacks control and how a distraction causes big conflict. (91) “Lennie said “oh! That’s nice!”…and he stroked harder…”you stop it now, you’ll mess it all up…Lennie’s fingers closed on her hair and hung on. Let go she cried…Lennie was in a panic…Lennie’s other hand closed over her mouth and nose…she struggled violently under his hands…”Don’t you go yellin” he said and he shook her; and her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck…he lifted her arm and let it drop…he whispered in fright, “I done a bad thing. I done another bad thing. This quote also shows that Lennie admits that he has done a bad thing. He understands that what he has done is wrong and expects George to give him hell.
Now, because of what Lennie had done, Curly is now infuriated with him. Curly will not just give him a beating of his life, but he will kill Lennie. Curly won’t just shoot Lennie where he won’t fell pain at all; he will shoot him in the gut where Lennie would feel all the pain. This is a quote that shows how Curly feels about Lennie now that he has killed Curly’s wife. (96) Curly came suddenly to life... “I know who done it” he cried “that big son-of-a-bitch done it…he worked himself into a fury, I’m gonna get him. I’m going for my shot gun. I’ll kill that big son-of-a-bitch myself. I’ll shoot him in the guts. As you can see, because of Lennie’s mistake of killing Curly’s wife by accident Curly will now kill Lennie for what he has done. But, wait, Curly’s wife told Lennie to feel her hair. Lennie has a history of not having control over himself. For example, there was one time when Lennie had seen a woman’s red dress and then started to fell it. He got to excited and lost control over himself. The lady panicked and reported that she was raped by Lennie. This is almost the same of what had happened between Curly’s wife and Lennie, except that Lennie killed Curly’s wife. It seems that Curly’s wife was never told that Lennie is a dangerous man when he is provoked.
If there was someone that had to kill Lennie for what he has done, that person shouldn’t be Curly, but it should be George, his best friend. (105) George began. He reached in his side pocket and brought out Carlson’s Luger. He snapped off the safety, and the hand and the gun lay on the ground behind Lennie’s back. He looked at the back of Lennie’s head; at the place where the spine and the skill were joined…”Go on” said Lennie…”said Lennie. “How’s it gonna be. We gonna get that little place” Lennie giggled with happiness… (George has his last conversation with Lennie...) Lennie begged “les do it now”. And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head…He pulled the trigger…Lennie jarred and then settled slowly forward to the sand…Lennie never expected this from George. He thought that George would only yell at him, but not kill him. When George shot Lennie, he shot him in the head where he Lennie wouldn’t fell a thing and die instantly. Lennie never new what George was going to say next.

In conclusion, the central conflict of Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is Character vs. self. Through out the story, many problems where encountered. The problems where developed by Lennie. But, remember that Lennie had mental issues. That is also why he lacked

Friday, October 1, 2010

Reasponse to David's Song

Puddle of tears
And we look back to those years
When your words were so clear
It’s a new type of fear
You say it’s meant to be
Don’t say that you’re like me
You say he needed him
But I say we need him more
Hurricane God
Caused so much destruction

You got to open your eyes
And wait for sunrise
As the bird flies
Don’t believe in your lies
Just feed it goodbyes
And everything that passes on will be alright
With one last hug and a kiss goodnight

Don’t make me laugh
On behalf of the day
When I drove faith away
And it’s better now this way
You say it’s meant to be
Don’t say that you’re like me
You say he needed him
But I say we need him more
Hurricane God
Caused so much destruction

You got to open your eyes
And wait for sunrise
As the bird flies
Don’t need no baptize
Just accept with goodbyes
And everything that passes on will be alright
With one last hug and a kiss goodnight
One last hug and a kiss goodnight

This is a song I wrote when one of my relatives past away not so long ago.

I like how David wrote a song that is very important to him. This tells me that its so easy to write a song of any dominant impression when you can relate to it. That song came from his feelings inside, and i respect that. i have done something similar like what he did. i didnt write a song but poems. At one one point, not to long ago, i wrote a poem of my life. When i wrote this poem, it was when i was going through a really tough time in school. i was doing really bad in school because i didnt understand anything. so i wrote a poemand from that poem, i found a messege, that messege taught to keep on trying my best at school. Look at me know, Im at ASTI and going well. If i read the Davids song again i can find a messege in it. David might fing the messege of his song without even knowing. People die, but life keeps going on. Never let someones death bring you down. Even if its someone close to you. Always move foward in life. I know because my grandfather past away a couple of years ago. Yes i cried, but wasnt going to stop the pain inside. I moved on and so did my family. Like i said, i respect David alot for what he did. He wrote a song that relate to his feeling among his uncle.

Word i Don't Know.
