Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ganging Up

Ganging Up

There was one time where I was with my friends. One of them was hit in the face by another kid who was considered a bully in school. So then me and the others went to the kid and faced him for what he did. He was being so unreasonable that my friend was so tired of it that he told me to hit him really hard in the face. That bully was so small that he was scared of us because we were much taller than him. I did hit him, but was not proud of it. First of all, it wasn’t even my business. So then I left.

My options were, do it and stand up for him. But this is not the best way to do it. Second, is that if I didn’t do it, I would be called a punk. I did the first one, which I should have never done. Many people bully others to get attention, which is not right. Or maybe, people bully others to show that they are tuff. Sometimes even because of the way that other people’s appearances even though they don’t know them very well. I will never bully.

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