Saturday, March 19, 2011

This is Me

                                                                    Playing Bass

Playing Bass is my favorite thing to do in my free time. And of course, it is my all time favorite hobby. In my family, I happen to play bass and also so does my godfather.  But, there is a big difference, He has been playing bass guitar for about 15 years and I’ve been playing for only 4 months, a huge difference.
            Sometimes, I’m considered to be a nice and smooth person. That’s just the same way I play bass, nice and smooth. But, if I haven’t been playing my bass in quite a long time, then that’s when I’ll get rough. I’ll pluck the freaking string so hard that it will feel good hitting the right notes and making the sound extremely awesome. That’s just me when it comes to playing bass guitar, just like a homeless man craving for food.
Then there’s my godfather who is an awesome bassist. Compared to me, I’m just an amateur and he’s an expert. I’m the baby learning how to walk while he the toddler running, skipping and jumping everywhere.  I’m only plucking the strings while he’s plucking, and slapping and popping the strings. His brothers and him used to be in a Spanish Rock band and I’m just the single bassist. When it comes to playing bass, my godfather is a beast. I’ve seen him play before and sometimes, I don’t even know what notes he’s playing because he’s just so fast. But soon, I’ll be just like him, I’ll be the toddler running, skipping, and jumping everywhere.


I’m in the Oven
The intense heat rushing throughout the Bay Area. I live in Oakland, very close to the ocean, but still I feel like if I’m in the desert. It’s at 95 degrees and I’m dying. Lazy, not wanting to do nothing the extreme hot weather is hitting me like the shock of freshly-lit charcoal on my dad’s grill.
The heat slaps me in the face, making me dizzy. It makes me move a lot; I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m in the mood for going for a swim. Only that would end my laziness of not wanting to do anything.
At this point, I do not want to be I’m my house. My only option is to go outside where the heat is not locked in my home like a prisoner in his cell. Being outside with dad, mom and my sister will make me feel better.
“Yo dad, get out the watermelon from the refrigerator so we can enjoy it.” And so he did. We might as well finish it and not let it the heat kill it. We enjoyed as we talked about the good times like ever before. “Ugh! I hate this F-ing weather” my sister said. Yes agree with her. The day would be a perfect day only if it was like 15 degrees lower. Until then I’m miserable. I can’t even sleep. The intense heat is driving me crazy day and night. I feel like I’m in the oven. If I can’t handle this heat, I sure wouldn’t handle being in Arizona with my uncle. He’s lucky enough to have a built in swimming pool. And all I can think about is being in refrigerator. I cant do nothing to change this weather, I just have to deal with it. 

Pandillas en East Oakland
 East Oakland is where I stay. Home to three Latino gangs, Border Brothers (BBs), Nortenos (chaps, Nortes, X4) and Surenos (X3). Yea I Know about this. I’ve been around Nortes and Border Brothers before, but I’m not gang affiliated. Yea I know the gangs signs, but won’t throw em up where I stay at. I might get shot and killed.
Sometimes I don’t feel safe walking late at night through my neighborhood where many guys who are mainly Nortes are out there posting like they own the street. Yea I’ve been threatened before by a Norte by wearing black. This may be crazy but it is.
I don’t really have a closet filled with bright color T- shirts. For example, I don’t really have red or blue T-shirts because I run the risk of being threatened by a Norte, BB, or a Sureno. When I go shopping I avoid buying t-shirts that are blue or red. If I did, obviously, I would standout to gang banger. If I were to wear a red T-shrirt, I will standout like the British.
Gunshots at night or even in the plain day. Those gunshots are not only from pistols like 9mmthat are shot manually, but there are gunshots being shot by automatic guns like Uzis. Yes this Is tough living in a city where all this shit happens. Drive bys near my house and all I can say is “DAMN”.  Gangs shoot and kill to prove a point. That point is states to not mess with them. This aint a surprise for me, This is just  East  Oakland, and I got to deal with it.

I love to draw. Other than playing bass, drawing is my big time hobby. My hobby of drawing is way stronger than my hobby of playing bass. Drawing is one of those things that help me a lot with my emotions. For example, if I’m mad, drawing will help me release my anger.
I guess some people consider me as a good drawer. I don’t, but I’m confident that I’m good enough to compete against others. Animation is my thing. I hope to major in it. I know that I can because I just love to draw. My inspiration was Dragon Ball z, my all time favorite cartoons. Considered to be epic animation. Drawing is my favorite thing to do and someday, I’ll be famous for my work.


  1. Hey Fermin, I responded to your vignette !

  2. I responded to you here!
