Saturday, March 12, 2011


The word trees come out a lot in The House on Mango Street, and this of course must have an important significance towards Esperanza’s life. While reading the vignettes that show trees, there is a pattern going on and every time, the meaning of the symbol tree is getting much closer to being discovered. At first, it was hard to catch the meaning of trees in the vignettes, that is why rereading the sentences before it mentions trees and after it mentions trees was the way to find what it means in each vignette. In the end, all of the “results” would come together to make the final significance of trees.
On page 74, there’s almost an obvious answer of what trees mean and is the starting point to the investigation of what trees mean. This quote is very important toward Esperanza and what she is feeling. The quote says: "Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine. Four who do not belong here but are here." This quote is important because Esperenza compares herself with the trees, she says that the trees do ot belong there but are there. IN one way, Esperanza is sort of simmilar to that. Shes where she is because shes there and of courres wishes that she would be somewhere else. For example, her dream house.
I think that the main important quote that basically shows the meaning of trees is on page 97. This qoute shows  alot of emotion, which is part of the meaning toward trees. This important qoute happens is about Esperanza and waht she's feelling. 
And then i dont know whybut i had to run away. I had to hide myself at the other end of the garden, in the jungle part, under a tree that wouldnt mind if i lay down and cried a long time.        
   The tree is somewhat a comfort palce for Esperanza when she feel sad. The quote is obviously showing that. But, this qoute is alos the misssing piece of the puzzle to now detremine what trees signifies. In the end, th tree shows isolation. Trees show isolation of Esperanza and discomfort in her own enviorment. The tree signifies Esperanza being an outsider in a way where she is embarassd from where she comes from.

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