Friday, September 17, 2010


By: Luis Alba
Writers are in risk of many things. They could be arrested, jumped, robbed, or killed, but they still pursue to do what they like to do, paint. I think that is pretty determined to do what they do. Most people also say, “ Oh, what about gangs and violence in graffiti.” In my opinion, urban art has nothing to do with gangs and violence. Gangs and violence should not even be under the category of urban art. As I said before, this is what gives urban art a bad name. For example, have you ever seen a mural with a gang sign or name on it drawn by the original writer, I don’t think so. Murals are about politics, comedy, nature, and so on, not about gangs or encouraging violence.
This quote or paragraph comes from luis. I've known luis since the beging of the school year. And what i seen of his graffiti work, to be honest, he really is a talented kid. I even wish i had those skills of doing graffiti. Ithink that graffiti is not a crime i think that its is one of the many forms of expressing your self. I totally agree with Luis that graffiti is not a form of violence. i agree that tagging is violence because its vadalizing the community. For example, Oakland is a city that is fully vandalixed by tagging. Most of the taggs are about gangs. Now that even show a lot more violence. In my opinion, graffiti is a very cool form of art. My cousin is actally a graffiti artist and he is not gang affileated. Well he does have his own crew, but it mostly involves in graffiti. His friends and him teach other younger kids graffiti skill. He is not doing nothing bad but he is helping the other kids. i actally think tha Luis should do something like that or join a graffiti club, that way he can teach graffiti. I would want to learn some graffiti skills but my parents are against it. They dont even like my cousin's skills but i do. I picked that paragraph because i think the same way as Luis.

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