Thursday, September 16, 2010

Now that I will be attending my high school years at ASTI, I’m actually a little scared and worried about many things. For me, it is a big adjustment coming from a big middle school to a small high school. But ASTI is not an ordinary high school. ASTI is all about hard work and getting prepared for college. I really want to succeed in life, but many things go through my mind. I sometimes think that college will be so difficult for me that at one point, I will drop out from a big opportunity and when I have those thoughts, I feel like a frailer. I really need to abolish those thoughts from my mind. I need to have very good and beneficial ideas.
My big goal in life is to become an engineer. And to become an engineer, I really need to be good at math. Math is my least favorite subject in school, and I always do try my best. That is another reason why I think that college will be difficult for me.
I hear that to past college classes, you really need to do well on the exams and essays. To be honest, I’m not really a good test taker. I will u8nderstand the subject, but when it comes to tests, it is just so difficult for me. Hear at ASTI, if you are running an A and then take a test, that single test can throw you off big time. This has all ready happened to me in my geometry class. As of now, I’m running a low grade because of my test taking skills. Hear at ASTI, I can’t go of track. If I do then I won’t be ready for college classes. ASTI is the big deal.      

1 comment:

  1. A couple of technical things...first of all, you haven't quite made the 350 word minimum, so you can update with some more development for full credit if you want, or take partial credit for this one and work up to at least 350 in future posts.

    Also...please title your posts! You can title them anyhow you'd like.

    Meanwhile, about what you've said here. I like your consistently positive attitude about your life, your work, your goals, and your development. I DON'T like that you're having trouble with tests. Maybe we could look for/dream up some strategies that would cut down on the anxiety factor.

    If math is the most troublesome subject for you, I suggest you take a look at the Khan Academy for lots of detailed explanations you can study as much as you want.
