Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Q Essay

Q is one of those creatures that doesn't really care about what others say about him. but when it comes to a certain point, Q will stand up for himself. When Q was still a dinosaur, all the other dinosaurs became extinct. He then wondered off and encountered new species. When Zahn, one of the new ones, started to act suspicious when he saw Q. Zahn started to question why Q was with the others. Zahn did not accept Q as a member of the village because he was different, but some did like Q. Zahn accidentally provokes him into a physical fight. Zahn did not expect Q to stand up for himself:

“I’d like to see him battle, with that little lizards mouth of his....Zahn went on contemptuously goading him. I went over to him...nose to nose...”you can see me right now, If you don't run away....There was nothing for us to do but fight....A physical fight goes on. (102)

This shows that Q will stand up for himself once it comes to a limit. When Zahn took the discussion too far Q fight him. He beats up Zahn and then gets respect from Zahn and the others.

Q walked to the shore of the river...the new ones glanced at him and stopped their work. They looked at him, then at each other in silence as if questioning one another. Seeing how strong he was, they wanted to ask him if he would stay with them and work transporting wood. They gave him a nickname: The Ugly One, because I was different from them, for no other reason .(99) Despite the big difference between Q and the new ones Q is still respected a little because of his ability of being strong, but at the same time, he’s being called the ugly one because he is different This doesn’t really puts him down because he is different but the same from the inside.

In the story of the Aquatic Uncle, Q is a creature that can go underwater and be on dry land. Q is engaged with a same creature like him, but when he introduced his girlfriend to his great great uncle, everything lost control. Q’s girlfriend just started to keep on going with Q’s uncle. Because of that, Q was being ignored.

Q says “And what do you think You’ll do all alone with an old fish? Marry him. And still bring more fish into the world. Good-by....It was a hard blow for me . But, after all, what could I do about it.(81)

This shows that Q will not take crap from anyone. this quote showed that he stand up for himself and said what he needed to say. He cared for her, but she disrespected him. As you can see, Q is a creature that wont be picked on physicllay or mentally.

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