Friday, January 14, 2011

Can I Handle College?

One of my big goals in life is to go to a good college and study engineering. I want to become an Aero Engineer. Of course, to become an aero engineer, a lot of work has to be done. One thing for sure, to become an engineer,  a lot of math has to be taken. Math is one of my weakest subjects and so is science. Because of this, somethimes i just want to give up on that goal because science, and math is difficult for me. That's why somtimes i just want to give up. I mean, I'm in high school know and the years wiill pass like a flash and by the time I know it, I'll be applying for colleges.

Im not a very good test taker and most of the time get nervous when taking big tests. I lnow that to get into colleges, i have to take a serious of tests like the SAT's, ACT's and entrace exams. the thought of tests just freak me out. I'm not a very good test taker and I know that in college, its all about tests, essays, and projects. If you cant do that well, then maybe college is not for me. I'm one of those students that don't learn things right away like other students do. I just wish i can learn things like science, and mat like a flash.

Iknow that to become an engineer, you have to take a lot of math, probably untill your done with Calculus which is considered one of the hardest and most complicated math. I mean, i can bearly handel geometry which may be considered an easy subject for many students. I need to take a lot of science, which is another subjet that i struggle a lot. Maybe that career isn't suited for me.

Like always, one must always have a plan B. My plan B is to become an animation artist. drawing is one of my favorite things to do. It's one of my hobbies other than playing Bass guitar. Doing something that i love as my career is living a good life. I love to draw and maybe become an animation artist.

I dont know, but i think that college will be to difficult for me and maybe wont be able to deal with it. Maybe college isn't for me. Time will tell.

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