Thursday, January 20, 2011

Should Teens be allowed to Vote?

   I think that teens should be able to vote because everyone should have a voice when it comes to laws. In my opinion, if teens had the right to vote, there would probably be many laws that wouldn't of happen.Our nation fought for independence, to vote, to live free without the rule of a king. Voting was a big issue and still is in my opinion. Students like teenagers, play a big role in our society. The teenagers who want to succed in life, are the ones who are very smart, talented and of course must have common sence.

   For example if students where able to vote for the Dream Act, then there would of been a very high chance that it would of passed and very well educated students with strong talents would be able to go to college. A lot of the teenagers who are smart and talented are condidered to be the future of our nation. Those who study, go to college and vote are the ones who also improve our nation.
 This is very impoertant fact when it comes to voting
It allows them to get rid of bad governments and makes sure that any government listens to its people...
Something that catched my attention and that i agree with a lot is
16 year olds are mature enough to make important decisions such as voting. Their bodies are fully adult, they have been educated for at least 10 years...All this allows them to form political views and they should be allowed to put these across at election time. There is no magic difference between 16 and 18 - indeed, many 16 year old are more sensible than some 20 year olds.
Really, i agree with this because teen agers that are 16 years old and are very mature to be able to vote. Really theres just a two year difference between 16 and 18, not very much. There are many teenagers that are intrested in politics which most of the time involves voting. Teenagers should recieve the right to vote because it will make a change.

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