Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebutal to Eric.

   The question that Eric answered was that Should the number of years of required schooling be changed? After reading his blog post, i saw that there are something that are very weak. something that he says is that after high school, you go on to college. Well not all people go on to college for various reasons. When we talk about the number of years required, we're basically talking about from preschool to kindergarten and then elementary school to middle school which then goes to high school. We cant really put collge because like i said, its your choice if you decide to go to college or not. the amount school years is 14 is you dont flunk.

   Having this amount of school years are actually good beacuse theres is so much things you need to learn other than the basic material. If you want to go to college, then of course, you do need all 14 years of school. Thats a law. Eric, i know you want to go to college but trust me you need all of those years to go to college and you need to do good, which i bet you do.

I rea lize that your talking about hifh scool, but not onliy high school, but an early college high school. Dude,all of the years of high school are needed even though its just a normal high school. High school isneeded to to go to college. Wanna go to college, suck it up and deal with all years of school. Really no big deal, time pasts like a flash. By the time you know it, you'll be done with high school.

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