Sunday, January 23, 2011

Celie' Relation with God.

 Celie has a way to talk with God. Celie writes lettes to God. In those letters, she talks about her eceryday life. Some of the things that she says are pretty shocking. Alot of violence goes on in her life. AS i keep reading, i realize that Celie does not live a good life. It seems that most of the time, she's just a miserable. To start it off, she was sexually abused by her own father which is really disgusting. Thats a very harmful experience that will follow her for the rest of her life.
"You gonna do what your mammy wouldn't....Then he push his thing inside my pussy"
I ean thats juyst wrong. Why would a ather want to do that just for the f*****sure? Thats just f*****.Since shes gone through a lot of shit, she doesnt really have no one to talk to but God. God is like her only friend. Sometimes, i think that she writes the letters to feel good and to just realese her feelings. I consider that a good reason to why write letters to God.

Celie has a lot of guts to be stay alive beacuse she has gone through so much. Her mother died, she was abused sexually by her father, she doesnt know where her little sister is at, she's married to a son of a b****, shes takes beating from him and is treated like shit. I think that if some would to go through all that, i think that , that person would of probablly commited suicide. Imean, thats just too much to handle.

Her letters play a big roll in her life because her letters to god mean everything to her because those letters are considered to be like her true friends. Writing out her everyday life is like talking to a true friend who cares about her. That is why her letters to God is very important to her. God is like her true friendor even better, a familly.

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