Wednesday, November 10, 2010


   Something that I enjoy to do on my freetime is to draw. I love to draw! I only need a notebook, pencil, and an ipod to keep myself active not physically but mentally. Almost everyday, I draw for about half an hour. I started to draw when I was a little kid and as years passed, my drawing skills improved a lot. What motivated me to start drawing was when I saw many favorite cartoons. When I was a little kid, I loved to watch DragonBall Z and WWE. Those were my favorite TV shows. As I observed the characters very closely, I took out a piece of paper and a pencil. I then began to draw. At first, my drawings were not too good. Day after day, I practiced and by the time I looked at my past and present drawings, I noticed dramatic changes. I can't say that I'm an expert because I'm not. I'm just an amature.
   When I was in the secondgrade, I use alaways draw DragonBall Z characters. My friends thought that I was a very good drawer. Since they were so cool, other students even offered me like $2 to make them a DragonBall Z picture. When was seven, I looked at my drawings and said, "wow they are so cool." Not too long ago, I found one of those drwings and all I said was "damn, they are crap."

  Before I begin to draw, I always use my ipod. The music that I  have In my ipod is rock, and rap.
For example, If I listen to hardcore rock, then I will draw something that is hardcore. A couple of days ago, I drew a hardcore intimidating biker by just listening to a band named Distubed. I say that music is what makes my drawings.

  Since I love to draw, my dream career is to be an animation artist. I really love to draw and to work as an animation artist, then I love my job. My parents always tell me to be someone in life and be happy with what I like to do. I enjoy drawing and I like to make creative cartoons. I like the animation jobs, so basically, animation is my thing. As you can see, I love to draw and someday I hope to become an animation artist.

1 comment:

  1. I responded to your post here :
