Monday, November 8, 2010

The Kite Runner 2nd Response Post

   At first I did not find The Kite Runner very intersting. All I did on my weekend was just read the Kite Runner. But, only this time, the book seemed very intersting. Everytime i finished a chapter, the curiosity of what happens next, made me want to read and find out what happens next. Reading to the first paper clip did not really give me the curiosity of wanting to find out what happens next. I began to annotate a lot more and keeping track of what happens in every chapter. This will really help me a lot when it comes to writing the next essay.   
   As I read,  I found many important events that happened that might later have an impact in the future. Theres the part when Baba dies and Amir is now alone exept for his wife. I think that if Baba would of died before Amir marys Soroya, then Amir would of not have a good life and be miserable. If that would of happened, I think that Amir might of gone back to look for Hassan because he would have no where to go. I tturns out that Amir publishes four book and earns enough mony to buy a house. Amir becaome a profesional book writer and succeeds in life.
  Amir and Soroya can not have children for some reason and the doctors can't find the answer why. Aleah agree that he cant get his wife pregnant and if he trys, then he will fail because of karma. Back then in the beginning of the book, Amir see Hassan getting raped by Assef and does not do anything to help Hassan. He just stands there and watches his brother get raped in front of him. As a result, later in the future, Amir cant have children. We say that it is karma.

  I'm satrting to really like this book a lot more now because I'm getting the hang of reading very closely and paying very good attension to what I'm reading. If I just read fast and skip around then I wont know what i had read. Sometimes I dont even bother to go back and reread. I dont do that any more. If i do that, then whats the point of reading. Overall, I like the book.

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