Monday, November 1, 2010

The Kite Runner 1st Response Post

So far in the book, The Kite Runner is intersteing. It is intersting because as you read, something big happens and you want to keep on reading some more. For example, when Hassan and Assef fight, one thing lead to another. Assef and Hassan start to fight. Assef says " give me your kite or give me your body." Hassan ends up getting but raped by Assef. As I read, I was surprised of what was happening. If this is someting that is very shocking to the students, then there must be more events that happen in the novel that can be twice as shocking and contains a lot of suspense that just motivates you to keep on reading. I know this Because Eric Lau read ahead the chapter that he could of stopped. He rad and read because the book was so interstng to him and motivated him to keep on reading. If his happened to Eric, then i can tell that as he read, he vizualized every scene.

If i read and vizualize the scenes that are happening, then i know that what I'm reading i understand. For me, this doesn't really happen often. As i read the book, there are sometimes where i dont know what i had read. At that point, i have to go back from the beging of the chapter and reread it all over again. One thing that Ihave to work on is to loose the habit of not wanting to read and being very lazy at reading. At the end, when we finish the book and it is time to write an essay based on what we read, i will have difficulties writing the essay because i wouldnt even know what i read. I have to reread and annotate as i read. One thing that i can do as iread is to write down a littile summary of what i read. That way i would go back and read what i wrote and understand what i had read. If i start to do that, then whwen it comes to write the essay, it would be very easy for me to write it. Over all, the book is good and i have to anotetate what i read for me to understand later on in the future what i had read.

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