Monday, November 15, 2010

The Kite Runner Final Book ReSPONSE

Now that i read the Kite Runner, I feel great. Reading this book, may be one of the best books that I had ever read. This is one of those books that just makes you want to read it and find out the resolutions for every problems. One thing for sure, this novel did contain many conflicts. All of these conflicts that happen in this book, are then solved. Not only that, these conflicts is what made the story really good. Thats why it made me want to keep on reading as I read every single page.

In chapter 22, A big climax in he book happens that changes many things. This chapter was my favorite chapter of the entire book. As I read this chapter i actually had an adrenalin punch because i was so eager to find out what will happen. As I read this book. It was like if i was in the scene. In this chapter. Amir goes to save Sohrab from the man who had bought him from the orphanage. That man was Assef. When I read that part, I was surprised because i said to myself that sooner or later,  Assef will come back. I had also predicted that, that guy was going to be Assef and I was right all along. You need to read this chapter again and see how it contains a big climax.

When I read the last chapter, It ends as how I thought it would end. I said that this novel will end in away that you least expected to end like. Through the entire book, You see mysteries being solved and how they will affect later on. In the end of this novel, It ends with Amir and Sohrab being together as a family. Not too many people liked the ending because it was somewhat boring in a way. Well thats the thing, some books contain many conflicts that shapes the mood  of the reader. In this situtaion,  my mood came to be excited to read the book and and be so in to it. and as i read yhe ending the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "oh wow." Over all, The Kite Runner is a VERY GOOD BOOK!!!

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