Monday, November 1, 2010

reflective essay

Fermin Carrera \
Mr. Sutherland
English P.2
                                              Reflective Essay

Since the first day I began using blogger, I wasn't too excited. well  that's because I thought that I was going to be assigned things to write about. I stand corrected . When Iwas told of how Blogger works, I felt a lot more comfortable. I then knew that in Blogger, I can write about anything that comes to my mind. I feel better writing about things that Ienjoy and not writing about things that I'm assigned. writing on my blog is know becoming one of my hobbies because in blogger, I just write about my days, feelings activities ect...

The writing that i do on my blog is different from writing i do in academic essays .When it comes to writing in Blogger, my writing is very unorganized and sometimes unprofessional . On the other hand, when I’m writing an academic essay, everything a is a lot more organized. In Blogger, I just type down anything that comes to my mind. I’ll try to organize it, but first i would have to brainstorm on the topic that i would write about. I will type about a topic but I wouldn't go to in debt about it which i should. For example, when I wrote about how i like to listen to rock music, I just explained the bands that i like to listen to and how I feel about that type of music. If I would of written an essay about rock music, then I would of gone more in debt about it. I would of written about how it began and how it had evolved over time. I could of wrote about that. To do that research would be needed. When it comes to writing an essay, I add good details. In essays, I take my time writing then and developing them.

When I’m writing something on Blogger, I don't really take my time developing my blogs and take time time writing them. On my last essay, wrote about the central conflict of the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, before I even started to write the essay, I first gathered all of my ideas and wrote them on a piece of paper. From there I organized everything and then started to write down my essay. Those are the steps I take when I'm writing an essay. when I’m writing about something on Blogger, I just write nonstop until i feel that i have finished. maybe If i take the same steps as if I'm writing an essay, then maybe my writing on Blogger will be a lot more better. Although it will take time, a good result comes out. That result is a much better and improved writing piece. Here you can see how there is a big difference in writing on blogger and writing academic essays.  

What inspires me to write is constantly happening. If theres something really cool, funny or weired that happens in my eceyday life, then i will write about it on my blog.  For example when  I first started attending ASTI I wrote if how i feel about it.  I also wrote about a poem that i developed and how all of a sudden it impacted my life in way with noticing it at first.  As i wrote it, i didnt really thought of putting a messege in the poem. My poem is called Death or Meth. After reading a the poem over a couple of time i finally found a messege  which was not what i was really looking for. This was just a random thing that happened. Things like that makes me want to write  on my blog.  If theres something that happens in my life that seems really cool, then the first thing that i would do is write about in mu blog. As you can see, things that happen in my everyday life, inspires me to write.

As of now, I haven’t really seenany improvements in my writing. I think that writing on Blogger is just messing up my writing skills. Like I said before, in Blogger i dont organize my writing and dont really take my time developing what i write. I belive that  i should be taking my time writing  and not rush through. I feel that writing on Bloggr really messed me up.  I also want to see improvements in writing because writing is a big thing that i need to work on. Also, the quickwrites help me a lot because i just write nonstop about a topic. The point of this is to parctice of the  SAT essay that only gives me twenty-five minutes. Blogger doesnt work that way. To post good blogs posts you should tke your time. If you would to compare my blog to other student’s blog posts, you will see a big difference. That tells me that I need to make some improvements.

In conclusion, using Blogger has helped me and also weakind me. It has hepped me a lot because using Blogger is now one of my hobbies. Thing that happen in my everyday life, is what i  blog about. At the same time, using Blogger has affectped me in my writing skills. Thats something that shouldn’t happen at all. Also, i diddn’t really see any improvements on my writing skills using blogger. On the contrary, It has weakend my writing skills. I hope to see better improvements on my Blogg posts.

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