Friday, November 5, 2010


 I'm not really scared to die. Sooner or later you will die and cant do anything about it. I live in East Oakland and to be honest, I sometime just dont feel safe walking through the streets. If I see a car that is going really fast and filled with guys wearing a common color, I say to my self, "these guys are gang members". If I see that, I just hope that i wont get shot and killed. But,  If that would ever to happen, it is what it is.

A guy that i knew, is no longer with us today. His name was Eric and he was shot and killed by nortno which is a dangerous gang in Oakland. Eric was a very cool, smart and atheletic teenage kid who enjoyed playing football and hang out with friends. He was not gang affileated. He was going to go to Chico State University because he was offered a chance to play in their football team. In March 28, 2010, he was shot and killed. He was celebrating his birthday when a drive by happened. Now, he is no longer with us today.

East Oakland is known to be a vioelnt city. About two days ago, it was late and i was doing my homework. Then all of a sudden, I heard a discussion between two guys. All I heard was, "Run b**ch  run"! Then came the gun shots. The next mornig, on of those guys ended up dead infront of my aut"s house. To me, this is something that did not surprised me at all. Shit like this always happens in OAKLAND!!! I'm just glad that wasn't me who got shot. But, like I said, If I were to ever get shot and killed, then it is what it is. I'm not scared to die.

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