Thursday, November 4, 2010

Response Post to Kristine's Blog.

  This is a quote from Kristine Chin.
At this moment, there are thousands of people fighting for equal treatment. These people are being constantly put down by society and everyone around them. Their rights are constantly being shot down and anything they try to do to gain their rights back lead to even more suppression and pain. These people are those who have different sexual orientations than everyone else. Whether someone is gay, lesbian, bisexual or anything else, they are still human beings. Nothing can change that. America is supposedly the country in which anyone is accepted and anyone has the same rights as everyone else.
I like this quote because i agree 100 percent with what Kristine is trying to say. I have nothing against people who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. They are all human beings and should always be respected. Something that i do not like about people is that when they call other kids that are actually gay "fagets". I really hate that word being used towards gay people.
Not too long ago went to the mall, I saw a guy being descriminated because he was gay. That guy was be insulted by another group of kids. It really shocked me because it's something I've never seen it with my own eyes. the poor guy was crying while the other group of kids were just laughing. I was disgusted.
The Declaration of Independece states "All men are created equal" in the modern day, this becoming to be false. Like Kristine said, "They are not getting the rights they deserve." Which they should because everyone has equal rights. Were not in the 18th and 19th century anymore. Back then, not everyone had equal rights. Now, were in the 21st century and every human being has equal right. The people who says that gays are not real men, are ignorant. To me, thats machismo. Like  I said, I dont have nothing against gays, lesbians, or bisexuals. They are all equal in the inside and should be respected like any other person should be. This is why I agree with Kristine's blog posts.

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