Friday, December 3, 2010

L.C.D.1 A Long Way Gone

   The book A long way gone is an awesome book. This book contains so many things that make it so good. Cameron and I say that this book is so intence because its so well writen. This book contains so much violence, bloodshed, gore scence and its such so violent. This book is so well written because as you are reading it, it's just as if your watching a movie. I'll say that if this book directed by a very good director. you will say that it is way worse than the movie RAMBO. This book is so brutal. I say this because it just contains very good imagry.

   Teenagers now in days enjoy watching violence. When I was watching the movie Rambo, my first impression was "wow, this movie si so freaking awesome. I think that movies do not show how violence is such a bad thing. On the other hand, books like A long Way Gone, does show that violence is such a bad thing. As i was reading the book. I actally caught myself making faces as i was reading Tgose faces showed my impression towards the book. My mom was watching me as i was reading and she automatically said, "that  book is brutal and sad, isn't it?" And yeas, it is.

   In our first LCD, Cameron, Stan, Vic and I had so many questions towards the events that are happening in the book. We discused about the violence that was happening. We all totally agreed that the events that happen in this book are so brutal, violent, and intense. Hands down. So much happens in this book that just makes you so depressed heartbreaking. When we were anotetating the book, there was not a problem at all because theeres so much that you can say in just one so paragraph. Thats a reason why our LCD went really well.
   So many things happen in this great novel. this novel is not science fiction. This book is based on a true story. Thats one reason why this book really impacts you. So much killing happens in this book that just makes it so depressing. Ishmael, one of the main charcters of this book, is always escaping death. If I was in his situation, I wouldnt of made it as far as he did while war is going on. Honestly, so much brutal sh*t happens . This book is so good not because of the violence. heck no!!! Its a good book because its so impacting

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