Friday, December 10, 2010

A Long Way Gone LCD #2

As of now, the novel A Long Way Gone is really good. Not because of the violence that is happening throughout the book, but because of the events. As I was reading, at one point i almost cried because of something that happened. Ok Ishamel finds out that he will be able to see his family once again after a long way gone. As he was walking towards one of the villiage with one of the viligers carying baskets of bannas, he noticed that the villiage where his family were living in was attacked by the rebels. Before that, he talks about how he was so happey to see them and spend so much time with the. Ishamel had hope.But, whwen that village was burnned down and all of the people died. He was in shock and really, really sad. As i read this part, I actually almost cried, because it was a big turn over and a big twist. When this happened, the first thing that popped to my mind was that if Ishamel still had hope. I thought thAT he had lost it and which he said. Ishmael said that all he wanted was to see his family even if it meant dying next to him. I totally agreed with him because that was his goal all along. To see his family and die next to them. All of those people who died, were burnt or shot. I became sad when that was the way that everyone died. I was so mad when i read the part where the rebels who had burnt the villiage down where laughing  for what they had done.
i brough this to our LCD and i thought that so much was going to come out of it. One thing for sure, vic and stan did agree on it. I think that if Cameron was in the LCD, he would of probably said alot about it. The thing is that really shocks me is that all of this that happens in the book really happened in real life.  this book is not science fiction. everything that happened just shocks me. the brutal violence is just brutal thats all i can say.

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