Friday, December 10, 2010

My Bass.

   Last week, i went to Guitar Center at El Cerrito with my parents to buy me a bass guitar. I've always wanted to buy a bass, but never got the chance to buy one because their so expensive. But, it all depends on the brand you get it. Well, im going to talk about how i bought it. The day before Black Friday which was Thanksgiving, my dad told me what i wanted for christmas. I've always told him that i wanted to buy a bass guitar, but he never bout it for me because he thought that they were expensive I've told him that it depends on the brand you getit. Like always, he never really understood.

 when he told me what i wanted, i told him that i wanted to get an ipod touch. Ireally wanted to get an ipod touch because their so much better than an ipod nano, i mean the really old ones. I then thought bout it and i toldhim,"Hey dad, your going to pay around $250 dollars on that ipod. Instead, i want a bass guitar and your going to pay like the same amount of money or even less. Well i was worng about that. The next week, i we went to guitar center to get the bass that i wanted. I picked out a black and white Squire by Fender Bass. That bass was the one that i was recomended by a bass expert from Guitar center. Thats actually the bass that i went to get. The bass alone was $200. I also got the amp which costeed $100, the cable for the amp which was $10, the strap which was $5, and the bag which costed $40. In the end, my dad ended up paying $350. But thats not all, we also payed $50 for the 2 year enssurance, which is good because if my bass or amp breaks. I'll just go to Guitar Center and get a new one. So there, we have $400 plus tax $440. The good thing is that i got my bass on sale and ended up paying $415. In the end my dad ended up paying more than what he expected. When we went back to the truck my dad just lokked at me and started laughing. H laughed because of how much he paid. That told me that he was ok with it.

   As a begginer, its pretty hard to learn how to play bass by yourself. Even though its difficult, that didnt influenced me to stop trying. I'm goig to parctice and practice untill i fully understand how to play very well bass. This is something that i plan to do for the rest of my life learning how to play and playing bass has become a new hobby for me. I think that this is much better than a ipod. I'm really happy that i got my bass. It was then to stp dreaming and begin playing. Its AWESOME!!!

1 comment:

  1. Let me tell you a little story. I once mentioned--in passing, and only once--to my dad that I was interested in learning the guitar. Then when I turned 15, my parents handed me a card. It said, "There's one birthday present from us. If you can find it, you can have it." I hunted all over the house and finally found it hidden somewhere: a guitar. I was so grateful that they took my desire to learn seriously, and it changed my life. I still play nearly every day, and it's a huge contributor to my overall happiness and sanity.

    It's challenging to nearly anything one one's own, but the bass is one of those instruments that really lends itself to self-teaching. YouTube, these days, is a huge short cut!

    I'm happy for you--you're about to have some serious fun.
