Thursday, December 2, 2010

Resonse to Luis Alba's blog post

Luis lives in Oakland and so do I. He talks about his daily life in Oakland and how it’s a great place to live in. In some of his points I agree and in some I disagree.
Oakland is a great place to live at. If you may not know, I live in Oakland. Oakland is so much fun, so many things to do all day. You can go walking around, play sports, or just hang out with some friends. There are many places where you can go, the park, stores, or just outside. Many people out there say," Ohhhh... Oakland is dangerous, do not go outside or you will get shot." No, this hardly happens where I live, sometimes. Most danger is not during the day, it is during the night. What would you be doing at night all alone anyways. Overall, many stuff are to be done in Oakland and enjoyed, and it is my pleasure to be able to explore this amazing city.
In the area where Luis lives, people hardly get shot and killed. In contrast, I live in an area where there are many shootings and there’s a high chance that someone will get shot. Luis explains that most of the violence happens at night. Where I live, it doesn’t really mater. My dad drives through the streets of East Oakland. One day he told me that in midday, he saw a teenager chasing two kids and shooting at them. A couple of years ago, my cousin held a New Years Eve party at his house and there was a drive by. During that incident, my cousin’s friend got shot burly survived. I think that in Oakland, there’s always going to be violence. Oakland is ranked third in the most violent cities in the U.S. Luis says that Oakland is so much fun. That there are so many things you can do like walk around, play sports, or just hang out with your friends. These are some activities that I do. But, I don’t usually do this when I’m in Oakland. This may sound ridiculous but this is real talk. Luis says that he likes to do these activities. Well that’s because he says that were he lives is not that dangerous. Where I live, I think that it’s not too safe. I’m not going to lie; I’m even scared to walk through the streets. I just hope that I won’t get shot. These are the reasons why I disagree with Luis Alba. Well we have a different perspective toward Oakland.



    Here's my response.

  2. Respect Fermin for this post...I can see where you come from

    i comment on this shit
