Friday, December 17, 2010

A Long Way Gone Final Blog Post

Thursday was our groups final LCD about the book "A Long Way Gone." Toward the end of the book, we dicussed about the ending and we never found the answers to our questions. My question was "what is the point of this war?" As i read, i never found the answer. Basically, the whole point of the warwas to just kill and steel.This war was a civil war. Really, there was no meaning to fight that war.I brought up that question and my group agreed with what i said. That there is no meaning to that war.

Something that i noticed in this book was that ishmael voluntered to fight along side with the soldiers. He fought to kill the rebels. The rebels killed Ishmael's family. At that point, he was set to love violence. As i read the book, he was litterally kill.He took over villages, murdered people, did drugs and killed some more. At that point killing and doing drugs were his hobbies. Now, he was doing what the rebels were doing.

Cameron brought up a very good point. He said " what if his familly maneged to escape? What if they lived in a village that ishmael attacked? What if his brother was recruted to the rebels who he might of killed?"

My answer was simple, " he had no choice but to kill." It was either his life or the vilage. At that point he was lost with violence. I thought "is this his new life style?" I shmael went through a brutal and viloent experience.

Ishmael was then sent to rehabilitation. There, he was cared for. At first he was very violent. During that time, he was addicted to marijuana and cocaine. He really needed help. Through time, he maneged to get help and recover himself/

The nusre, Esther was someone who really helped him a lot. Through out the last chapters, she was like a mother to him.Going outside of his enviorment also helped him recover. Going to the city helpped him realize the way life should be lived. Months passed and he finds his uncle and moves in with him. He goes to New York to talk about his life and what he experienced. I shmael changed alot.

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